I'm super proud of the ceremony and vows, so I thought I'd post them here (and also as a precaution in case we lose/forget the papers at home - totally something I'd do.). And maybe it will inspire some family members to go ahead and follow me. ;D So, here it is...
Marriage, marriage is what brings us together today. And love. True love.
Here we are, on this lovely evening, and I'm honored to get to unite my brother and his beautiful bride in marriage.
For those of you that don't know, today, April 3rd, is a special day for Brandon and Sandy. It is five years, to the day, of their first date, which took place right here at the Queen Mary. And when Brandon proposed to Sandy, in Rome, it was on their third anniversary. This day holds so much meaning and special memories for them, that is was impossible to choose any other day to celebrate their decision to spend the rest of their lives together.
I'm happy to get to be here to celebrate with them, because I've seen the journey that their relationship has taken over the last five years. They have searched out the best coffee in Orange County, and the best breakfast places. They have traveled all over the world, and have made friends wherever they've gone. Sandy, the change that you've brought to my brother's life has been amazing. And Brandon, thanks for bringing Sandy into our lives. She's funny, and smart, and a whole lot of fun.
Marriage is a serious commitment. The vows are not to be taken lightly, because they are promises you are making to each other. Brandon, you and I were both raised with the idea that your family is your most important priority. Family stands by you when you need help. They are the ones that will not only celebrate the big victories with you, but they will cheer your tiny victories just as loudly. They'll love you at your best, and they'll love you if you act like a jackass. They love you forever, even when you're not lovable to yourself. And that's how I feel your commitment to your marriage should be. You are not just going to be Sandy and Brandon anymore, but you are becoming a family. A family to look out for each other, to keep each other safe, and to love each other; both when it's easy, and when it's not so easy.
On this very special day, in front of all of your friends and family, you are promising to share all that life has to experience, with each other. You are promising to love each other, faithfully, for the rest of your lives.
So, with that understanding, Brandon, do you wish to marry Sandy?
(I do)
Then repeat after me:
I, Brandon, take you, Sandy,
to be my wife and my one true love.
To honor you and to treasure you
Laugh with you and cry with you
Loving you faithfully, through good times and bad
Regardless of the obstacles we may face together.
I give you my hand, my heart, and my love
For all the days of my life.
And Sandy, do you wish to marry Brandon?
(I do)
Then repeat after me:
I, Sandy, take you, Brandon
to be my husband and my one true love.
To honor you and to treasure you
Laugh with you and cry with you
Loving you faithfully, through good times and bad
Regardless of the obstacles we may face together.
I give you my hand, my heart, and my love
For all the days of my life.
Brandon and Sandy have decided to exchange rings, as a visible sign to the world of the commitment they have made today.
(take Sandy's ring, give to Brandon)
Brandon, repeat after me:
This ring I give to you, as a token of my love and devotion.
I pledge to you all that I am, and all that I will ever be.
(take Brandon's ring, give to Sandy)
Sandy, repeat after me:
This ring I give to you, as a token of my love and devotion.
I pledge to you all that I am, and all that I will ever be.
By the Power vested in me, by the State of California, and the internet, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am incredibly honored to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Maraia.
I am really looking forward to this evening. It looks like the day is clearing up, and it should be so lovely on the boat. I still need to hunt down a jacket that will be appropriate, since I have yet to see a formal hoodie... The rehersal went so well, I'm sure this evening is going to be so special and romantic, and wonderful. So, Good Luck Jake, and Best Wishes Brandon and Sandy!!!